Tuesday, February 6, 2007

demoTV - Kevin Clarke debating his right to debate...with the police

demoTV presents
Kevin Clarke's moment of truth (The Debate)

Kevin Clarke, eccentric independent candidate, is finally allowed to participate in the by-election debate and has his moment after the audience becomes outraged by the police attempt to remove him from the stage and from the democratic political process.

I ask Kevin what he hopes for. He replies more seriously, "I'm a realist but I'm also a dreamer. I would like to see a smile on all the people that I pass by. I would like to see children playing in the parks; I'd like to see more stories in the media about people helping seniors cross the street, young children excelling in their school work and playing sports. I'd like to see homelessness become extinct. I believe homelessness in the city is an issue that has been passed down on the municipality by the federal government."

demoTV presents
Kevin Clarke debating his right to debate...
with the police

Kevin Clarke, eccentric independent MPP candidate, debating his right to debate. The stakes are high, the police are called, and then Kevin takes the stage.

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